Episode 92: Hannah Hoch: Female Photomontage Pioneer

Dada artist Hannah Hoch used photographs taken from sources like books and magazines she cut, pasted and assembled into new composition; a journey through a chaos of textures and discerning juxtapositions that challenge us to see modern life and “women” in new ways.

Hannah Hoch, “Indian Dancer: From an Ethnographic Museum,” 1930, Cut-and-pasted printed paper/metallic foil on paper Image Credit: MOMA

This episode also explores contemporary artist Martha Rosler and her series “Body Beautiful ” or “Beauty Knows Pain” (1966-72)–Provocative compositions of household appliances and representations of women.

I had the pleasure to meet Elisa Valenti at her exhibition opening “Radical Worthiness: a solo exhibition” at Established Gallery. Below are some photos from the event. The show runs until September 27, 2020. Visit Elisa Valenti to learn more. Check out my podcast Episode 86 for a journey into her “lush” figural portraits. 🙂