Episode 98: Video Art: Consuming Female Imagery

The medium video art gives artists the freedom to create works outside the gallery or museum space, opening avenues to record, document their performances and to be own producers and distributors. For female artists, incorporating video art into their performance works becomes a means of self-expression and the exploration of female imagery.

Works discussed include:

Joan Jonas, “Vertical Roll,” 1972, Credit: Museum of Modern Art

Martha Rosler, “Semiotics of the Kitchen,” 1975, Credit: Museum of Modern Art

Jillian Mayer, “I am your Grandma,” 2011, Credit: Jillian Mayer

Other Works

Nam June Paik, “TV Cello,” 1971, Credit: Art Gallery of NSW

Bill Viola, “The Raft,” 2004, Credit: Public Delivery

Resources for this episode include Jillian Mayer website, Martha Rosler website, PBS Art Assignment, Art21, Tate Museum,  Museum of Modern Art, Miami New Times writer Hans Morgenstern, writer Emily Dinsdale.